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Education and Pedagogical Policy of Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education in the Public Education Network of Manaus - Brazil

posted on 2019-06-19, 02:40 authored by Julia Graziela Bernardino de Araújo QUEIROZ, Elaine Maria Bessa Rebello GUERREIRO

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to analyze the education and pedagogical policy of Special Education in the municipal public education network of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, in the light of the National Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusive Education; to know the managers profile who work in the Specialized Educational Service (SES) of a particular District Area; describe the structure of operation of the network for the care of students of Special Education, as well as the Special Education Management actions for the continuing teacher education. The research participants were 13 managers. The instrument used in the interview was a semi-structured questionnaire produced in Sphinx Lexica Software. This is a qualitative and descriptive research, in which a documentary survey was initially carried out at the federal and municipal levels and their regulations. At the municipal level, information on enrollment, schools and SES institutionalization, Pedagogical Master Plan, multifunctional resource rooms and actions for the continuing teacher education were collected. The results showed that the educational structure of the Municipal Education Department, although it has some advances, needs improvements in order to comply with current legislation, especially with regard to the teacher education to work in the SES. Regarding the management in the schools, it was evidenced that the managers are not aware of the SES proposal. Consequently, this lack of information may limit the construction of an inclusive school, insofar as its institutionalization runs through information contained in legal documents, in the same way as the education of the school team, where actions need to be articulated with the Municipal Teaching System.


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    Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial



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