The exercise of the right to health in older persons in Argentina and Colombia: an approach based on the analysis of mortality due to causes sensitive to health care in the XXI century
Abstract Since Argentina and Colombia recognize health as a fundamental right, and undertake, among other issues, to provide healthcare services to guarantee its exercise without discrimination, our aim is to inquire, comparatively, about the challenges these countries face in fulfilling this commitment for population aged 60 and older. Thus, mortality rates from causes considered sensitive to health care by country, sex and age are calculated and analysed for trienniums 2000-2002 and 2013-2015, based on information from the United Nations. Besides, specific proportions are calculated based on each country’s official surveys. Results show, in both countries and for all groups of causes considered, a higher mortality in men, increasing with age up to 74 years and with a tendency to decline, mainly in Colombia. A more detailed analysis by causes reveals a similar situation in the latter case, unlike Argentina where mortality from respiratory diseases increases. Regardless of these differences, the rates associated to period 2013-2015 reveal, in both countries, the need to increase efforts to continue their reduction (or reverse their increase), with a special focus on those who have fewer resources and on their value as citizens with the same rights as the rest of the population.