SciELO journals
1415-4366-rbeaa-21-09-0657-gf01.jpg (765.04 kB)

Effect of different conductor tubes on the longitudinal distribution of corn seeds

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posted on 2017-12-05, 15:14 authored by Dauto P. Carpes, Airton dos S. Alonço, Fernando P. Rossato, André A. Veit, Lucas B. de Souza, Tiago R. Francetto

ABSTRACT The correct longitudinal distribution of seeds by the seeder machine is one of the features that most contributes to obtain an adequate plant stand and good crop yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the longitudinal distribution of corn seeds by seed conductor tube types, combined with a horizontal perforated disc and a pneumatic meter, altering the seeding density rate. The experiment was conducted in a laboratory using a seed meter test bench. Treatments were a combination of two seed meters, six conductor tubes and four peripheral speeds for the meter disc, corresponding to densities of 60, 70, 80 and 90 thousand corn seeds per hectare and were organized in a three-factor scheme with four repetitions. By increasing the seeding rate into the same ground speed, there was a reduction in the percentage of acceptable spacing, this effect being more pronounced when conductor tubes with a small diameter and straight profile were used.


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    Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental



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